The journey toward racial justice comes with hard work, hard feelings, constant effort and courageous conversations. You will be expected to bravely show up to our sessions together. But know that this will be a brave space filled with compassion, grace, love and respect.
Your package purchase is one of many ways to step into this movement, and 20 percent of your purchase will be donated to organizations fighting for racial justice (Black Lives Matter, Equal Justice Initiative, Service Never Sleeps and Campaign Zero).
For more information email [email protected]. To purchase you package and schedule your first session, click below.
Your package purchase is one of many ways to step into this movement, and 20 percent of your purchase will be donated to organizations fighting for racial justice (Black Lives Matter, Equal Justice Initiative, Service Never Sleeps and Campaign Zero).
For more information email [email protected]. To purchase you package and schedule your first session, click below.