A gradual build-up of energy begins right at the start of the year as the planet Mars stations direct in the sign of Gemini on January 13, where it has been retrograde since October 2022.
All the planets in our solar system do what’s called, “retrograde,” with Mercury being the planet that retrogrades most frequently throughout the calendar year. A retrograde planet gives the optical illusion of orbiting the almighty Sun backwards, which can be symbolized as a nudge from the Universe to pause and reroute where necessary, based on where the planet is affecting us in our natal charts.
Now, Mars in Astrology connects us to how we initiate our deepest passions. But while retrograde, assertive efforts feel blocked. Such blocks and thwarted motivation can be frustrating for us down below. So, as the Warrior planet gets back to its regular pace and orbit, you can anticipate that the affairs of life will amplify, a momentum that continues through the spring and summer seasons.
Fun, romance, children and child’s play will inspire authentic living at the start of the year, Aquarius. A paused love affair or creative project on hold can move forward with excitement. This will be important having taken some time to contemplate affairs of the heart. Where you’ve been uncertain, clarity will be restored; Mercury will also station direct in the sign of Capricorn on January 19, where it’s been retrograde since December 2022 bringing self-inquiry and retrospection.
In fact, inner dialogues and reflection will persist throughout the months of January and February as you prepare for your next solar return. If you’ve been working through difficulties with children or feeling a lack of love and affection, overall, the direct stations of Mercury and Mars may very well be connected.
This will, no doubt, lead to personal change and decisions that support self-growth. Interestingly, by the time we enter the spring months, your sense of identity and personal evolution will undergo major shifts as two momentous cosmic events develop above: Saturn will ingress (enter) the sign of Pisces on March 8, and Pluto will ingress your sign – the sign of the Water Bearer – on March 24.
Both these planetary shifts are set to bring important lessons to humanity below, especially in the way of social unrest, spiritual growth, and revolutionary coups. For you, a period of personal transformation will be underway as your ego self and conscious beliefs are restructured, if not dissolved and dismantled entirely. All that you thought you knew about your path in this incarnation will change, and so, too, will the values you once held. This will be an important 18-year period of growth – you won’t be the same, Aquarius.
Spring will be the time to direct your energy in assertive ways. You will be feeling quite motivated and inspired as Mars continues to move in forward motion encouraging you to reclaim all that makes you special and unique. Opportunities during this first quarter or 2023 may beg the need for you to get clear on your overall direction in life. This will be amplified on April 20 when a solar eclipse peaks, bringing new learning experiences and changes of scenery that both challenge and stimulate your mind.
However, Mercury will station retrograde again the day after the eclipse on April 21, instigating challenges on the home and family fronts. If settling into new domestic environments or navigating misunderstandings with family and loved ones – it will feel like you’re taking two steps forward and two steps back. These things will resolve when the Messenger planet stations direct on May 15, and most likely in your favor.
The lunar eclipse peaks on May 5, meanwhile, wrapping up activities on the career front. If leaving your job to pursue a new career field that aligns with growing interests, or launching a small local business, the end of professional chapters will further contribute to new vistas and ventures that allow for your creative genius to be better utilized. Of course, with Mercury retrograde, there will still be delays. But as Jupiter shifts into the sign of Taurus on May 17, you may be making the necessary adjustments as it relates to domestic changes, property matters, and emotional ties.
A surge of energy continues as we reach the summer solstice in the meantime. This year is fast and furious, Aquarius! Daily affairs, relationship matters, and new commitments will amplify!
That said, the close of July sees Venus stationing retrograde on the 23rd bringing an assessment to important relationships. You may be reconsidering a romantic connection or re-evaluating a business partnership. These are just a few examples of how Venus – the planet that connects us to love, beauty, money, and personal aesthetics – will be of impact while retrograde.
This gets a little dicey as Mercury stations retrograde once more just a month later on August 24. At this point of the year, intimate matters feature, whether merging in a joint entrepreneurial endeavor or financial investment. You may be unmooring yourself from a marriage or divesting from a real estate venture, and delays in these areas are likely courtesy of Venus and Mercury retrograde.
Such matters will resolve in September when Venus stations direct on the 4th and Mercury stations direct on the 16th. Agreements with important others will soon be finalized. Business ventures can now move forward. What may feel like a suspenseful holding pattern finally lifts!
October brings the last two eclipses of the year, meanwhile. A solar event on the 14th inspires new aspirational goals, travel, and broader aims, while the lunar eclipse on the 28th wraps up ongoing affairs on the home and family fronts; FYI, these eclipses are connected to the spring pair of eclipses. You may be leaving a familiar setting to venture abroad or moving onto a university campus. This could also be interpreted as a “home-grown” business that brings success.
Much of 2023 sees you planting seeds and rooting yourself to what and who gives you a sense of security, Aquarius. This will be especially important as you undergo a period of transformation; if your relationships, job, and domestic setting feel unsteady, you’ll have to anchor yourself, somewhere. This may require difficult conversations with loved ones, or a total new start. Ultimately, peace of mind and emotional wellness should be your end goals.
As we close out the year, the pace of life will pick up! Career matters will take on greater focus, as well as social engagements and networking. You may be attending conferences, planning events, or spending time with friends for the holiday season. November through December brings much interaction with professional colleagues and personal associates.
That said, Mercury retrogrades one last time on December 13, which could lead to missed connections, postponed holiday events, and glitches around conference planning. This won’t be good or bad, but may be a little frustrating.
There’s no need to worry, however; matters on the networking front will resolve in the new year. Aside from Mercury’s end-of-year backspin, 2023 ends on a rather aspirational note!
Your horoscope was a labor of love, Aquarius! If it resonated and you found it to be of value, please pay it forward by considering a donation to the Equal Justice Initiative.
Meanwhile, keep in mind that your 2023 forecast is general to all Aquarius/Aquarius Ascendants. For an in depth look at your year ahead with information that is specific to you, click here to schedule an annual forecast reading.
All the planets in our solar system do what’s called, “retrograde,” with Mercury being the planet that retrogrades most frequently throughout the calendar year. A retrograde planet gives the optical illusion of orbiting the almighty Sun backwards, which can be symbolized as a nudge from the Universe to pause and reroute where necessary, based on where the planet is affecting us in our natal charts.
Now, Mars in Astrology connects us to how we initiate our deepest passions. But while retrograde, assertive efforts feel blocked. Such blocks and thwarted motivation can be frustrating for us down below. So, as the Warrior planet gets back to its regular pace and orbit, you can anticipate that the affairs of life will amplify, a momentum that continues through the spring and summer seasons.
Fun, romance, children and child’s play will inspire authentic living at the start of the year, Aquarius. A paused love affair or creative project on hold can move forward with excitement. This will be important having taken some time to contemplate affairs of the heart. Where you’ve been uncertain, clarity will be restored; Mercury will also station direct in the sign of Capricorn on January 19, where it’s been retrograde since December 2022 bringing self-inquiry and retrospection.
In fact, inner dialogues and reflection will persist throughout the months of January and February as you prepare for your next solar return. If you’ve been working through difficulties with children or feeling a lack of love and affection, overall, the direct stations of Mercury and Mars may very well be connected.
This will, no doubt, lead to personal change and decisions that support self-growth. Interestingly, by the time we enter the spring months, your sense of identity and personal evolution will undergo major shifts as two momentous cosmic events develop above: Saturn will ingress (enter) the sign of Pisces on March 8, and Pluto will ingress your sign – the sign of the Water Bearer – on March 24.
Both these planetary shifts are set to bring important lessons to humanity below, especially in the way of social unrest, spiritual growth, and revolutionary coups. For you, a period of personal transformation will be underway as your ego self and conscious beliefs are restructured, if not dissolved and dismantled entirely. All that you thought you knew about your path in this incarnation will change, and so, too, will the values you once held. This will be an important 18-year period of growth – you won’t be the same, Aquarius.
Spring will be the time to direct your energy in assertive ways. You will be feeling quite motivated and inspired as Mars continues to move in forward motion encouraging you to reclaim all that makes you special and unique. Opportunities during this first quarter or 2023 may beg the need for you to get clear on your overall direction in life. This will be amplified on April 20 when a solar eclipse peaks, bringing new learning experiences and changes of scenery that both challenge and stimulate your mind.
However, Mercury will station retrograde again the day after the eclipse on April 21, instigating challenges on the home and family fronts. If settling into new domestic environments or navigating misunderstandings with family and loved ones – it will feel like you’re taking two steps forward and two steps back. These things will resolve when the Messenger planet stations direct on May 15, and most likely in your favor.
The lunar eclipse peaks on May 5, meanwhile, wrapping up activities on the career front. If leaving your job to pursue a new career field that aligns with growing interests, or launching a small local business, the end of professional chapters will further contribute to new vistas and ventures that allow for your creative genius to be better utilized. Of course, with Mercury retrograde, there will still be delays. But as Jupiter shifts into the sign of Taurus on May 17, you may be making the necessary adjustments as it relates to domestic changes, property matters, and emotional ties.
A surge of energy continues as we reach the summer solstice in the meantime. This year is fast and furious, Aquarius! Daily affairs, relationship matters, and new commitments will amplify!
That said, the close of July sees Venus stationing retrograde on the 23rd bringing an assessment to important relationships. You may be reconsidering a romantic connection or re-evaluating a business partnership. These are just a few examples of how Venus – the planet that connects us to love, beauty, money, and personal aesthetics – will be of impact while retrograde.
This gets a little dicey as Mercury stations retrograde once more just a month later on August 24. At this point of the year, intimate matters feature, whether merging in a joint entrepreneurial endeavor or financial investment. You may be unmooring yourself from a marriage or divesting from a real estate venture, and delays in these areas are likely courtesy of Venus and Mercury retrograde.
Such matters will resolve in September when Venus stations direct on the 4th and Mercury stations direct on the 16th. Agreements with important others will soon be finalized. Business ventures can now move forward. What may feel like a suspenseful holding pattern finally lifts!
October brings the last two eclipses of the year, meanwhile. A solar event on the 14th inspires new aspirational goals, travel, and broader aims, while the lunar eclipse on the 28th wraps up ongoing affairs on the home and family fronts; FYI, these eclipses are connected to the spring pair of eclipses. You may be leaving a familiar setting to venture abroad or moving onto a university campus. This could also be interpreted as a “home-grown” business that brings success.
Much of 2023 sees you planting seeds and rooting yourself to what and who gives you a sense of security, Aquarius. This will be especially important as you undergo a period of transformation; if your relationships, job, and domestic setting feel unsteady, you’ll have to anchor yourself, somewhere. This may require difficult conversations with loved ones, or a total new start. Ultimately, peace of mind and emotional wellness should be your end goals.
As we close out the year, the pace of life will pick up! Career matters will take on greater focus, as well as social engagements and networking. You may be attending conferences, planning events, or spending time with friends for the holiday season. November through December brings much interaction with professional colleagues and personal associates.
That said, Mercury retrogrades one last time on December 13, which could lead to missed connections, postponed holiday events, and glitches around conference planning. This won’t be good or bad, but may be a little frustrating.
There’s no need to worry, however; matters on the networking front will resolve in the new year. Aside from Mercury’s end-of-year backspin, 2023 ends on a rather aspirational note!
Your horoscope was a labor of love, Aquarius! If it resonated and you found it to be of value, please pay it forward by considering a donation to the Equal Justice Initiative.
Meanwhile, keep in mind that your 2023 forecast is general to all Aquarius/Aquarius Ascendants. For an in depth look at your year ahead with information that is specific to you, click here to schedule an annual forecast reading.