The desire to belong when it comes to a mission you work for, or a friendship with another, has grown and become quite significant. No longer can you tolerate associations that don’t jive with your values or enhance your own growth, and as Venus and Mercury retrograde at the start of the year, where you fit in will be up for consideration.
You may be navigating a probationary period in a new department at work, mapping out a demographic you wish to reach for a business launch, or assessing your links to a spiritual community. Where you stand will not be made clear until February – the real start to the new year. So, be patient.
Life will open for you no matter what unfolds as Jupiter picks up speed in your sign bringing all sorts of personal growth, opportunities, and confidence for most of the year. That’s why this review of your allegiances will be so important to sit through. You’re about to expand, and if certain ties/orgs limit your wingspan, you may be looking for a new professional and social “home.”
March is when momentum builds. You may find that your birthday season is quieter than usual, but you will also feel assured with your personal path as new directions and perspectives take form. Money matters feature during the spring, which will amplify mid-year when Jupiter moves onto Aries for a short stint, along with mental pursuits – learning, training, writing, short trips, etc.
In fact, cosmic turning points in 2022 will insist that you use your voice to express your wisdom, knowledge, opinion, and expertise. Your mind will be liberated, and you may find that you’re becoming quite the influencer as your audience expands and listens wherever you’ve established a platform.
This coincides with an eclipse season beginning late April. A solar event on April 30th initiates a new start that centers education, online activities, and communication platforms. The lunar event on May 16th, meanwhile, brings completion around higher aims.
You may be wrapping up a specialized course or certification that can now be utilized for teaching others. Another example would be the publishing of an important book that leads to speaking tours, or new experiences that inform new ways of thinking.
That said, there may be a few delays around these new chapters courtesy of yet another Mercury retrograde. Misunderstandings feature, as well as tech glitches, transportation delays, and miscommunication.
The first week of June sees Mercury stationing direct, and momentum around education and mental pursuits will shift forward. Domestic matters will start to pick up, too, an energy that will gradually build throughout the remainder of 2022.
Summer brings fun, child’s play, romance, activities with children, entertainment, and all other summer joys! This season will feel rather light compared to the start of the year. Your personal growth continues, along with expansive energy on the money front.
You may come into new streams of income or be on the receiving end of an inheritance. This could also look like property investments as domestic matters build, or the launch of an entrepreneurial endeavor.
This activity will keep you busy as we enter the fall months, so be careful not to put too much on your plate. Relationship matters will pick up, too, in August, further contributing to a full schedule.
Work matters, doctor appointments, ongoing chores and responsibilities, health, wellness, extra-curricular affairs, and all the above will put greater demands on your time, dear Fish. Balance between movement in you day and time for rest will be necessary. You’ll eventually notice that important partnership commitments and agreements come into focus, meanwhile, and these, too, will soon undergo delays.
Busy days remain highlighted in September, along with domestic and relationship matters. What’s more, Mercury will station retrograde mid-month, bringing setbacks and obstacles. If you are negotiating the terms of an agreement with a business partner, or signing a pre-nuptial agreement with a spouse, there may be a few re-negotiations that require your consideration. This is not a time to strongarm your way through developments, Pisces. October brings momentum, so again, be patient.
The rest of fall still sees home and family matters highlighted, and this will amplify by the time we reach October. Partnership agreements and understandings will resolve once Mercury stations direct the first week of the month, but Mars retrograde soon follows with obstacles around domestic affairs.
Of all the planets, Mars can be the hardest one to navigate while retrograde. Its energy connects us to our force of will, so when it does a backward spin around the almighty Sun, our energy feels blocked.
Mars will retrograde in the sign of Gemini, which may feel a bit “manic.” For you, dear Pisces, this could look like a lot of moving parts at home and with relatives.
If you are beginning new construction on a house, working out the affairs of an elderly relative, or navigating domestic change (someone moving in or out), much will need to be accomplished, and you may be pulled in multiple directions. This is bound to bring some anxiety so it will be important to give yourself permission to bob and weave and redirect your energy where necessary. You may have to drop some of the moving parts to turn your attention elsewhere, learning how to become a “master adaptor.”
Lucky for you, yours is an “ebbing and flowing” kind of sign. Mars will remain retrograde through January 2023; the more you can properly pace your energy, the better.
The rest of 2022 remains full in the meantime! Another pair of eclipses peaking on October 25th (solar) and November 8th (lunar) initiate new starts and closures centered around learning/education and aspirational aims. You may travel abroad or get accepted into a degree program courtesy of the solar eclipse, and whatever starts new will be confirmed (or affirmed) by the lunar eclipse.
The world will feel like your oyster closing out the year, Pisces! Professional growth and advancement feature, along with networking and time spent focused on social engagements. In fact, events will come full circle in December with networking on the rise; remember, this is how we started the year off!
If you are relocating, you may be in search of new friends. If you are starting in a new job or institutional setting, you may be building new contacts. Your year ends on a rather full note and 2022 will be eventful, to say the least! Retrogrades aside, growth and adventure abound. Be sure to trust an unfolding process.
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Meanwhile, keep in mind that annual horoscopes are general to all signs. For a more in depth look at your year ahead with information that is specific to you, click here to schedule and purchase a 2022 New Year Astrology Reading.