With Mercury picking up speed in the sign of Pisces after a watered down retrograde, Aries season can officially get underway, initiating a spring do-over as we approach the Aries New Moon.
Cramer purchased his first astrology reading back in 2014. Since then, he gets an annual forecast every year, refers me to family and friends, and his partner, Sam, is now one of my life coach clients.
The Spring Equinox occurs on the same day as a super charged Super (Full) Moon. We can bid adieu to winter in the northern hemisphere and plant new seeds for growth and replenishment. This is all quite timely; potent energy is on tap for purging and renewal.
I come to you with a very simple message this week. It is a message about manifesting. It is a message that has been impressed upon me time and time again. It is a message that I hope will bring relief to anyone feeling stuck.
The planet Uranus will begin its seven-year transit of Taurus the Bull on Tuesday, March 5th, after spending seven years in the sign of Aries the Ram (read my write up about this here).
December 2022