Life is not always as it seems; this has been a recurring reminder for me over the past few weeks. With the Sun, and a stellium of planets transiting the elusive sign of Pisces (Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Chiron), it has been difficult – more challenging – to stay grounded in what is. A fog surrounds me. I wade through it sensing what is in front of me, that which I cannot see or touch. For the most part, I still have my bearings. But it only takes a feeling, an emotion, or an intuitive sentiment to throw me off. This, my friend, is Pisces season.
“The mountain veiled in the mist is not a hill; an oak tree in the rain is not a weeping willow.” ~Khalil Gibran
Life is not always as it seems; this has been a recurring reminder for me over the past few weeks. With the Sun, and a stellium of planets transiting the elusive sign of Pisces (Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Chiron), it has been difficult – more challenging – to stay grounded in what is. A fog surrounds me. I wade through it sensing what is in front of me, that which I cannot see or touch. For the most part, I still have my bearings. But it only takes a feeling, an emotion, or an intuitive sentiment to throw me off. This, my friend, is Pisces season.
Compassion does not equate to giving someone a pass.
Many religious texts and spiritual philosophies teach the importance of turning the other cheek. Christians believe that we should forgive others for their wrongdoing. Buddhists teach non-attachment. Toltec wisdom tells us not to take things personally. These insights are simple truths that lead to inner peace, and at the core of such wisdom is the lesson of compassion; compassion toward ourselves, and compassion toward each other. "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you." Marianne Williamson
How often do you reflect on what you wish to cultivate in your life, clear on the decisions that need to be made, and the changes that need to occur? Do you ever pause to consider all the possibilities? Or do you reject your dreams, writing them off until they are hidden from view? I would argue that the majority of people, myself included, block abundance in life. Most times, it is never our conscious doing. In fact, the act of self-sabotage usually happens when we are close to success. The more clients I coach, the more I see the pattern, and the root cause stems from low self-worth. Aquarius dominates the sky this week, and as we celebrate the Water Bearer in February, two words come to mind: Be Free.
December 2022