I always see these types of articles on BuzzFeed and other sites while trolling my Facebook page. So, I thought I would give it a try for fun, considering I am a professional!
“A day without laughter is a day wasted” ~Charlie Chaplain
I always see these types of articles on BuzzFeed and other sites while trolling my Facebook page. So, I thought I would give it a try for fun, considering I am a professional!
“I did not like what you had to say during my astrology reading because it was the truth. Please, keep telling people the truth.” ~From A Client
The most life changing quote that I have ever come across is by Dr. Maya Angelou: “When people show you who they are, believe them.” The reason why this strikes such a chord is because I have a tendency to see people as I wish they were, and I am often deeply disillusioned when I finally see the real person standing in front of me. This quote reminds me of a conversation I had with an old friend of mine who said to me, “Tracey, people are going to disappoint you, and you are going to have to accept that.” As soon as he uttered these words, I knew that it was also his way of telling me not to be so hard on others when they don’t measure up to my expectations. I know that the acceptance of people, and circumstances, is necessary to prevent hurt, upset, or whatever feeling surfaces when something doesn’t go the way I imagined. I know better than to try to change a person, and I know when to stop forcing an outcome. As I get older, I get better at calling a spade a spade – it is what it is. What I still struggle with is what happens after the acceptance of things. “Our global cry fest is leading us somewhere. It is opening us up to who we need to be now.” ~Marianne Williamson
What I found most upsetting, about the viral video of a deputy tossing a teenage student across the classroom floor at a South Carolina high school, was not that she was black and he was white. It was that the actions of both student and officer were actually debated by journalists and “experts.” The most disturbing part of a viral video, that showed a young Palestinian boy bleeding in the street, was not that some of the Israeli bystanders hovered over him yelling, “death to the terrorist.” It was that no one tried to console this 15-year old child as he screamed in fear before he died. What kills me, about the viral video of a crowd of men in Afghanistan stoning a young woman to death, was not so much that she was standing in a hole dug in the ground, with only her head exposed to ensure impact. It was because someone actually recorded it, and then posted it onto social media. It is the dark that trickles into your light that I find the most attractive. It is what makes you truly authentic.
Like most people, one of the biggest challenges I struggle with is being my evolved self every minute of every day of my life. As a human being, I am inherently flawed. I have a pretty “healthy sized” ego. I am extremely sensitive, and I take personal offense to things rather easily. Whenever my humanness bubbles to the surface, it can be difficult to show others compassion, forgive a perceived slight, or let go of what I cannot change. But at least I am honest about these things. While it is always my intention to put my best foot forward in any situation, giving all kinds of benefits to the doubts, it is equally hard to repress the dark that often trickles into my light. I want to know that it is safe for me to examine my scars, lean into my wounds, and move past my fears, while in relationship with you.
Scorpio season is one of my favorite seasons on the Zodiac calendar (second to Leo season, of course!). By now, we are about halfway through autumn inching closer toward the Winter Solstice. Halloween briefly lightens the mood creating space for play, and the holidays are just around the corner. I intentionally use this time to seek refuge indoors, as I become engrossed in a new cycle of self-reflection. The sadness that can arise as a result is often tricky to navigate. But I readily allow for that wave of emotion to soak through and loosen what needs to surface and be washed away. I know that whatever dies this season will make room for something new to grow, and I appreciate that the process demands that I transform. |
December 2022