There are several planets in Earth signs this week; “grounding” is probably the best word I can use to describe the current cosmic trend. These next few days will help us settle into what currently is, and what will be. As the energy of Sunday’s Virgo New Moon begins to wane, intentions can be set for what you hope to gain through the lens of radical self-acceptance (see my New Moon Ritual below). There is no better time to get acquainted with your life - past, present and future.
Meanwhile, Venus begins its transit of Scorpio, deepening our instincts to know what/who we need, and what/who we value, as we navigate the darker sides of life. This transit will ensure that we become more intimate with what we are giving birth to as we labor on. There may be trials and tribulations once Venus stations retrograde in October, but we will all come out the other side transformed, reborn, and fully anchored.
More to come.
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too.