The ether being poured from the Water Bearer’s barrel is electrifying. It represents a burst of new insights, ideas, innovation and technology meant to benefit the greater good. Aquarius is for the people. This sign is a rebel and a revolutionary that scoffs at the status quo. Aquarius belongs everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
The year ahead has a strong Aquarian vibe to it. The planets Saturn and Jupiter formed a great conjunction in the sign last month kicking off a pivotal 2021. This duo will both constrict and expand the Water Bearer’s ether in the coming days, weeks and months. And make no mistake, we’re going to feel all of it.
In fact, we can expect more of what's been on loop in the news in recent weeks: uprisings for a cause, scientific breakthroughs, the testing of rules and laws in place along with a reshuffling of leadership. I’ve been saying for a long time that there is no going back to the way things used to be. We cannot simply “unknow” all that has come to pass regarding the state of the world, and the state of our country in particular.
Up for innovative reforms are those systems that need updating, including our own systems of governance. If the Capricorn energy afoot throughout all of 2020 brought a restructuring and a dismantling of our foundations, Aquarius seeks to rebuild those foundations in ways that are visionary, nuanced, non-traditional and supportive of societies at large.
2020 called us out. 2021 is calling us in. A collective divide must now be bridged, not for the union. Not in the name of patriotism. Not for a country founded on stolen land and built by stolen people. Not for any politician; not even for democracy. A collective divide must be bridged for the sake of humanity. The farsighted Aquarius wouldn’t have it any other way.