But that strategy fails to consider the bigger picture. That strategy fails to see things with a more spiritual lens. That strategy does not understand that the world we live in – this country that we live in– is in the midst of a significant overhaul. Defeating Donald Trump will not solve all that ails us. He is but a blip in the full story that is unfolding and unraveling in front of our eyes.
Do you see it? Do you see that there is no going back to the way things were, because the way things were is irrelevant? We only have now, and of course the hindsight of the past, to prepare us for the future. A great dismantling is currently underway and it is not because of Donald Trump. In fact, some astrologers might argue that it has more to do with the planets Saturn and Pluto.
These two heavyweights are now conjunct in the sky transiting the sign of Capricorn at 22 degrees exact. This is a dynamic pairing that has been steadily climaxing since Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn in 2017. Pluto destroys. Saturn rebuilds. Together, they bring massive shifts in power.
Not only are we experiencing this around the globe, we are also experiencing it in our daily lives. Think of all that is under construction in your life right now – your health, your career, your family unit or all of the above. There is a reason for such momentous change; POTUS, in my opinion, has been a necessary instigator. The Universe is thrusting us toward rapid transformation. This is “shit or get off the pot” energy.
If we are to rise like the mythical Phoenix, we must begin to go with our guts. Listen to our hearts. Get real. Be honest about the state of our lives. We must vote with our conscience when it comes to what will help us transform and evolve – no more placing blame on external forces that keep us unevolved. Hold yourself accountable for your life. Change, or be changed.