My natal Venus in the 12th house often makes it difficult for me to show the depths of my love, while natal Saturn in Libra, overall, makes me terribly cautious in matters of the heart. Still, my Moon in the 8th house craves nothing less than a Soul-deep connection, and with Neptune as the ruler of my 7th house; to say that I have a romanticized view of love would be an understatement. I know my astrological make-up like the back of my hand, and so, I know myself. I know what it is that I desire. I know the areas of my life in which I tend to shine. I know where I could stand to improve. I know what triggers my shit. The cosmic climate above will soon reveal to us those passions that reside at the core of our being, pulsing through our veins. In the process, we will have to contend with all the personal muck and insecurities that prevent us from outwardly manifesting the reality of our inner world.
The asteroid Chiron will be involved in this “weeding out” phase. Known as the Wounded Healer in Astrology, Chiron's placement in our astrological birth chart shows us our wounds from past lives, as well as where we have the capacity to heal in this incarnation. Chiron currently transiting the sign of Pisces suggests there is a better way to move past feelings of misfortune that entails a mix of compassion and unshakeable faith. Chiron in Pisces transcends while activity in Virgo simplifies - both work together to purify the mind, body and spirit. There is no time like the present to identify where we hurt most, becoming aware of how such hurt blocks us from the harvest of life. Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign.