But those shattered pieces left behind will serve as fodder for what’s about to be reborn. As I said in this blog, the next 31 days will be emotionally charged with endings that lead to a much-anticipated rebirth.
It’s an odd cycle, to say the least. But an important one that brings clarity out of storms, revelations from confusion and truth after lies have been exposed. Only when the fog lifts will enlightenment prevail. But first, we gotta find our way through this dense fog.
Mercury retrograde will compound things, meanwhile. The messenger planet stations retrograde on Tuesday in the probing sign of Scorpio, before re-entering the peace-making sign of Libra. Tense discussions, miscommunications and misinformation are likely as the plot just thickens.
Thankfully, the Libra New Moon on Friday reminds us to keep a diplomatic stance in all things, even with life out of our control. From the dark moon, we should ask for clarity, revelations and truth that liberates. In doing so, everything – all of 2020 – will soon begin to make sense.
Until then, be steadfast and trust an unfolding process. October is strange. But it will fall together.
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store for this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too.