Like me, many people were frustrated with the verdict not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the murder of 18 year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Protesters have become very active around the country as a result, while the message hash tag #BlackLivesMatter is now trending. As I work through denial and even some naiveté on my part, I have yet to find my voice on an issue that has become endemic in today’s society, and it’s not because I don’t feel passionate about what seems to be a humane dilemma facing black men; it’s because of it. The decision in Ferguson is just another example of how this dilemma is so deeply entrenched.
The bigger picture being drawn here portrays the need for a shift in the way society views not just blacks, but women, Muslims, and all other elements that are seen as different. This coincides with an even more important need to shift how we view ourselves as individuals. Self-compassion, with a commitment to eradicate all the opinions and stereotypes that have been inaccurately ascribed for centuries is the only way to preserve life, thus ensuring that our lives always matter. It doesn’t escape me that this is much easier said than done, that this pie in the sky thinking requires a total revamp of life as we know it. But it also doesn’t mean that this isn’t the answer, or that neither you nor I couldn’t be initiators for such change, bringing about a new trend.
The image of Aquarius the Water Bearer pouring ether from the heaven’s above (not water, which is often confused, understandably so) is the perfect symbol that reflects this ideal. Ether is the spirit and energy that connects us all and holds us together as a perfect society – the human collective. Warrior planet Mars moves into the forward thinking sign of Aquarius this week, and will remain throughout the end of the year. This astrological omen serves as an opportunity to better understand how we all win when we learn to value at least one life, whether yours or theirs.