I seem to be getting more clients these days between the ages of 19 and 25. To be honest, I feel intimidated by this age group; I am much older and not sure how I can relate to their plights. But something curious always happens whenever I enter into a coaching session with this group of millenials. I immediately feel inspired by their deep level of self-awareness, and sympathetic toward their struggle with existential crises that stem around the reality of daily living. These young adults are acutely hip to the ways of this world. They come to me asking big questions in desperation for right answers, attempting to reconcile what they instinctively know to be true at the core of their being, with the expectation to conform to life as it is, nevertheless. It is a strange dilemma – one that is their burden to bear as the generation born with Uranus in the sign of Capricorn.
The Uranus in Capricorn generation is consistently consumed by personal battles of will to ‘revolt’ or ‘obey.’ They are under pressure to bring about change, and yet they are required to do so using the same old mechanisms. It is no wonder these folks are in search of a life coach or astrologer with the hopes of identifying an internal solution. But if you look closely at the social movements storming across this country and the world at large, it seems as if they have found a way to walk both sides of this cosmic coin, adopting a more structural approach to dismantling institutions that no longer serve. Those born with Uranus in Capricorn are learning the rules in order to break them. They show resistance to systems that block collective evolution, by revolting in ways that are planned and controversial (think #blacklivesmatter and the Arab Spring).
I write all this to say that there is a need for you, dear Uranus in Capricorn. Know it or not, you do have an important role to play. Yours is the generation poised to make huge strides without fully flipping the apple cart (that approach will be used by the Uranus in Aquarius generation – 1996-2003). We need you to strategize a way forward to a new world order, so that the big shifts set to come in a few years do not bring total disruption. The only way for us to learn from you is to lead your life by example. As Martin Luther King, Jr., a rebel-rousing Capricorn once said, “The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists.” I applaud and admire you, dear Uranus in Capricorn. Thank you in advance for your service.
Check your annual 2016 horoscopes, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too! If you would like a New Year Astrology Reading with information that is specific to you, click here to schedule your appointment.