Now, a rebirth of our nation is underway, and we’ve been feeling the laboring pains over the past few years – most notably in 2020. As the institutions and values that make-up this nation-state become exposed for how they function (or malfunction), slowly unraveling if not entirely extinguished, there is an opportunity to be born again like the mythical Phoenix rising from the ashes."
This is an excerpt from my new collection of Astrology Journals released in collaboration with Zenit for Pisces Season. We're in the midst of a rebirth and the stakes are high. How will you be born anew?
Join me next Tuesday, March 1st at 7:00 p.m ET/4:00 p.m. PT on the eve of the Pisces New Moon to discuss the astrology of the times and more during our Astro Zen Gathering. Registration is now open at this link. Until next time...
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store for this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too.