Gemini season is officially underway with the Sun’s ingress into the sign of the Twins. The planet Mars has been transiting Gemini too, adding buzz and excitement. Gemini is known for its versatility. With a reputation of being a jack of all trades, master of none, the energy of this Air sign is highly stimulating. It can be difficult to keep up with a Gemini; their thoughts are lightening quick, sharp, and witty. These people require a lot of mental activity, along with an outlet to share their most recent findings. That is why Geminis are also known to be fickle and chatty. Theirs is a nervous energy that leads to anxiety if not expressed.
As I write this blog, I’m recalling a choice I made a couple of months ago: a choice to love. We all embody the many facets of Gemini to some extent. My flaws and strengths are as great as yours, dear reader, and still, I choose to love every facet of me. My choice to love maintains the health of my beating and compassionate heart. It is what enables me to walk in another’s shoes; to empathize with grace; to show mercy when needed. There are often days when I must remind myself of this choice – that when I can love, I get results. Gemini is such a beautifully complicated sign – one to be embraced.
Happy Birthday, Twins!
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign, too.