This, I suspect, is what Martin Luther King, Jr. meant when he said, “I am what I am because of who we all are."
The Sun will move into the sign of Aquarius on Wednesday, January 20th, and shortly after, there will be a New Moon. People often confuse Aquarius with being a Water sign. But it is actually an Air sign that operates in the realm of innovation and ideas. The Zodiac symbol for Aquarius the Water Bearer is that of a man pouring Spirit and ether (not water) for humanity to consume. I should add that this sign has a reputation for giving the shirt off its back if needed, and they are the friendliest people you will ever meet. Combine this with Mars’ transit through the compassionate energy of Pisces, and we are further encouraged to find new ways of contributing to our fellow sisters and brothers. The Universe’s message is quite clear. Just do.
FYI, Mercury Retrograde starts the day after the New Moon, and will be in effect through February 11th. This means that you may have to do some extra planning before manifesting your vision for our future (yours and mine). But this is only one blip in a bigger process.
My next webinar on “EMPOWERED LIVING IN 2015” is scheduled for Thursday, January 22nd. Click here to register!