The energy above has me fired up in ways that are so liberating, so exciting, and so unapologetic, that I cannot help but to embody and embrace this cosmic surge. I have become more vocal in opinion with family and friends, working harder these days to empower my clients to live fully empowered lives. I am no longer interested in towing the line – my choice is to live free. To suppress, deny, or reject what is innate within me – what is innate within each of us – would be a disservice to the essence of who I am. You do not need planning permission to build castles in the sky. It is your birth right to dream big, pursuing that which brings you happiness and content.
This is the Hero/Heroine’s Journey made manifest, so to sit on the sidelines is not an option. That does not mean you should burn down the house, sever ties, and throw the baby out with the bath water! Nor does it mean placating to others, avoiding conflict, or being too amenable. What it does mean is that you must get to the source of your own authentic power – that which lets you be the boss of you, and the authority of your own life. Authentic power is internal, and serves as the foundation of who we choose to be. It is what leads to connection with others, as well, for the sake of bridging and building a better world.
When we operate from our own centers of truth, the universe conspires on behalf of all that is true. Only you know what that truth is, dear reader, and only you can liberate you.
Can we be liberated together?
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too.