People who know me know that I do not like to be referred to as a “leader.” Too often leaders in our society are supposed to look a certain way, have certain accomplishments underneath their belts, and are expected to live up to certain standards and expectations. They also often experience great pressure to perform – to reach goals that have been set by systems, experts, and other proclaimed leaders, who take their cues from other proclaimed leaders. No thanks. While I get that being a leader affords you privileges, respect, recognition and honor, so too does living an honorable life, respecting yourself and others, showing kindness, and being true to your soul.
The most successful leaders, in my opinion, are those who lead their lives from within. They may seek advice from others, undergo training and conditioning as necessary, and put forth a humbled effort to embody their role models. But they realize, too, that the journey is theirs to travel as they see fit, without conforming, getting stuck in their egos, or making comparisons to people equally flawed and equally human (whether it is the Dalai Lama, or your favorite basketball coach). True leaders are not afraid to be who they are, in other words. True leaders are cognizant of the people they keep in their circle. True leaders are committed to their own growth and evolution; they do not need to prove themselves, they master themselves.
I met a coaching client the other day who felt bad about fighting for her life. She thought she was being selfish for wanting to live on her terms, invest in who she was becoming – a leader in her own right – and for allowing herself to be guided by the knowing in her heart. I asked if I could be on her team. She was a true leader. Someone who let their inner voice speak life to fruition; someone who let the light of their essence be their guide. And nope, it was not trendy. She was her own guru and there was nothing easy about it. She knew that in many ways it would be an isolating experience. But she also knew that her path meant her truth, which meant her liberation. I hope to be like her some day.
Venus is currently retrograde in Aries and Pisces through April 5th. To find out how your life will be affected, check out my Venus Retrograde special reading.
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store for your week ahead, and don’t forget to reach for your Ascendant sign.