Scorpio season is one of my favorite seasons on the Zodiac calendar (second to Leo season, of course!). By now, we are about halfway through autumn inching closer toward the Winter Solstice. Halloween briefly lightens the mood creating space for play, and the holidays are just around the corner. I intentionally use this time to seek refuge indoors, as I become engrossed in a new cycle of self-reflection. The sadness that can arise as a result is often tricky to navigate. But I readily allow for that wave of emotion to soak through and loosen what needs to surface and be washed away. I know that whatever dies this season will make room for something new to grow, and I appreciate that the process demands that I transform.
The experience of self-inquiry seems to be most valuable, even if trying, while in relationship with others. Because we are all intricately connected, there is nothing more fascinating, or unnerving, than to have someone mirror to you the fears and strengths that shape you. A strong reaction to anyone – good or bad – is our queue to examine what that feeling implies about the state of our waking lives. Such an encounter always proves to be quite cathartic at the very least. While unsettling, it is what ultimately leads us to become fully present with ourselves in ways that are real, honest, and humbling.
As we move into the week ahead, I challenge you to observe what is evoked through interactions with others. I dare you to get vulnerable, and proactively discern the meaning behind any triggers. Identify those uncomfortable sentiments that leave you raw. Pay homage to anything that ruffles your core. Celebrate the discovery of any new attributes. Once you are ready, have a conversation around what is revealed – be it with yourself, or the person who has caused disruption with their mirroring effect. If your candor falls on deaf ears, or your bravery goes unnoticed, know that your intentions are enough. This unfolding will lead to your own rebirth. What is Scorpio after all, if not regenerative?
Check your horoscopes to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign.