So, I shoved it back into my deck and continued shuffling. I cut it four times and determinedly stacked that deck. Wouldn’t you know I pulled the same card again? Message received.
To be honest, this holiday season was full, starting with Thanksgiving. Amidst all the travel, family and clients, I’ve been trying hard to keep my shit together.
I’m still here, so that’s a good thing. But as I prepare for upcoming change, I know that I need to take care of my mind, body and spirit. I need to be balanced.
In fact, we all need to align ourselves with a cosmic balance in effect; a Lunar Eclipse peaks in the sign of Cancer this Friday while planets dominate the Crab's opposite sign of Capricorn.
Not only did we have that potent Solar Eclipse in the sign of the Mountain Goat right after Christmas, but Jupiter has begun its transit of Capricorn, followed by the Sun and Mercury.
…and Saturn and Pluto.
This is quite the line-up, folks. And we are feeling it. A simultaneous tearing down and building anew is in effect. But in the process, we must remember to rest. To find solitude. To find balance.
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse represents a time to shed – to release all that nostalgically keeps us in the past. The laboring has begun. We are about to give birth to new life in 2020.
Grieve the past because it cannot come with you into the future. Pay it homage. Let it become a memory – a source of great wisdom and hindsight used to intentionally pave a new path.
We are in between eclipses, so take as much time as you need to attend to your needs. Rest up for change. Nurture yourself into action. Soon, we build.
2020 Annual Horoscopes are posted for your viewing! Don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too.