I declare that you now have permission to be yourself – to live authentically in accordance with the life that you choose. You have permission to express your truth, whether it is outrage for worldwide injustice, or happiness for blessings and miracles. You have permission to say “no” to what you do not want, focusing on your priorities and what matters most. You also have permission to say, “yes,” to all that you do want, creating space to receive the abundance that you deserve.
You have permission to love fiercely, passionately, wholeheartedly, and without hesitation. You also have permission to withhold affection from someone who will take it for granted, failing to recognize how much of an honor it is for you to offer your beating, wounded heart. You have permission to be scared. You have permission to be afraid of death, love, failure, making mistakes, hurting others, or being hurt. You have permission to feel your pain and release it when ready. You have permission to face your fears in a manner that suits you and brings healing.
Who am I, to make such a sweeping declaration of permission? I am a fellow human being who is tired of conforming, shirking, perfecting, over-accommodating, self-sabotaging, worrying, settling, and everything else that limits me. You have permission to be tired too. You have permission to make changes and adjustments. You have permission to “do you” with trust in your heart, while cheering on those “doing them.” You have permission to play the role you were meant to play, with assurance that that is exactly what you were put here to do.
Check your annual 2016 horoscopes, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign too! If you would like a New Year Astrology Reading with information that is specific to you, click here to schedule your appointment.